
 Professional Teeth Whitening: How to Ensure a Comfortable Experience

May 02, 2024
 Professional Teeth Whitening: How to Ensure a Comfortable Experience
Over-the-counter whiteners may seem tempting. But professional systems offer far greater benefits, including a more comfortable experience. If you want a whiter smile without sensitivity and irritation, here’s why it starts with your dentist.

No one wants to add an extra appointment to an already busy schedule. But you shouldn’t cut corners when it comes to your teeth — even if you’re just considering whitening.

It’s certainly true that bleaching your teeth is a simple way to completely transform a dull or discolored smile. However, the safest and most effective approaches get administered by dentists.

If you’re looking to get a brighter, whiter smile, here’s how Dr. Robert A. Scherrer guarantees a comfortable experience at Advanced Dental Care of Ridgewood in New Jersey.

Why teeth whitening provides results

When it comes to improving your smile, it doesn’t get much easier than teeth whitening. That’s because this approach uses bleaching formulas to remove stubborn stains on a molecular level.

This straightforward concept is also why people often reach for over-the-counter solutions.

However, the fact that teeth whitening uses bleaching formulas is precisely why you should work with an expert like Dr. Scherrer. Because in the wrong hands, they can also cause tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, and even negatively impact dental restorations.

At his practice, Dr. Scherrer uses professional-grade solutions to guarantee you get the safe and effective results you crave — whether you use in-office or at-home options. 

But that’s only the beginning.

How professional whitening ensures comfort and results

Before recommending professional whitening, Dr. Scherrer performs a comprehensive dental exam to confirm you’re a good candidate for bleaching. 

For instance, some tooth discoloration doesn’t respond to whitening. In these situations, Dr. Scherrer can recommend other solutions to address your concern, like bonding or veneers.

Dr. Scherrer also assesses your oral health. A surefire way to experience discomfort when whitening your teeth involves putting cavities or exposed tooth roots in contact with bleaching formulas.

Finally, Dr. Scherrer asks whether you have any existing tooth sensitivity.

Based on this assessment, Dr. Scherrer can discuss the best strategy for professional whitening.

What to expect from professional whitening

Dr. Scherrer continues prioritizing your comfort once you move forward with whitening. And you can rest easy knowing you’re protected, whether you choose his in-office or at-home whitening systems.

In-office systems

With this whitening option, Dr. Scherrer can brighten your smile up to eight shades in a single 60- to 90-minute visit.

When undergoing in-office teeth whitening, Dr. Scherrer begins the process by protecting soft tissue in your mouth with a barrier, like a rubber shield or special gel. This keeps the whitening formula from coming in contact with them, eliminating the risk of irritation.

At-home systems

Take-home whitening kits still offer professional results. However, you brighten your teeth on your own schedule, and the process can take up to a few weeks.

When whitening at home, you use a tray that fits snugly over your teeth. This ensures the bleaching formula stays in place and only touches your teeth.

If you want a comfortable teeth whitening experience, don’t wait to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scherrer. Contact Advanced Dental Care of Ridgewood to book a visit in Ridgewood, New Jersey, today.